Local Transportation within the Geopark
Local Bus
Bus stops indicated below are not all stops of the Geopark area.
Please check the JR Hokkaido Bus websites for more detailed information.
Timetable in the Geopark Area
Bus stops and Sites
- >Samani
- Library, Tourist Information, Peridotite Plaza and Samani Town Office
- >Samani-Shogakko-dori (Samani elementaly school ave.)
- [C7] Old quarry behind Samani Elementary School
- >Samani-Eigyoshomae (Samani Depot)
- Private Museum of Sampeizara
For Erimo
- >Nishi-Hirau
- [C6] Byobu Cliff in Hirau
- >Apoi Sanso Hotel
- [B] Mt. Apoi Area, Geopark Visitor Center and Apoi-sanroku Family Park (campsite)
- >Apoi Tozanguchi
- Apoi Arboretum
- >Fuyushima
- [D1] Ana-iwa in Fuyushima and [D6] Samani Mountain Path (West side)
- >Kotoni
- [D2] Fault at the Higashi-Fuyushima Tunnel and [D6] Samani Mountain Path (Kotoni)
- >Nishi-Yamanaka
- [D3] Metagabbro at the Kotoni Tunnel
- >Yamanaka
- [D4] Taisho Tunnel, [D5] Geological fold at the Ruranbetsu Tunnel Fall Ohonai, [D7] Former Plate Boundary at the Fuyushima Ooma and Fall Ohonai
- >Horoman
- [D6] Samani Mountain Path and Wasuke Jizo and [A] Horomankyo Area*
- *There is no public transportation in the Horomankyo Area.
For Urakawa
- >Kaishomachi
- [C3] Cape Enrumu and Samani Folk Museum
- >Honcho
- [C4] Mt. Kannon and [C5] Tojuin Temple
- >Samani-chikko
- [C2] Sobira-iwa
- >NIshimachi
- [C2] Oyako-iwa, [C4] Mt. Kannon and Fureai Beach Campsite
- >Shiogama
- [C1] Shiogama Tunnel and Rosoku-iwa
- >Urakawa Kokomae (Urakawa Highschool)
- Urakawa Terminal
Nikko Hire Samani branch office +81-146-36-2611 (Only availabe in Japanese language)
- *A taxi may occationally be found at Samani Tourist Information during the day.