Access Information

Highway exits between Numanohata-Higashi IC and Hidaka-Atsuga IC (Hidaka Expwy) and Memuro-Obihiro IC and Churui-Taiki IC (Obihiro-Hiroo Expwy) are toll-free.
To Mt. Apoi UNESCO Global Geopark (Samani Town)
By Public Transportation
- Click here for driving directions
- From Sapporo
- From New Chitose
- From Obihiro
- *The timetables listed on this page are for traveling samani and therefore do not show all trains, buses and stations. Please check the public transportation websites for more detailed information.
From Sapporo
- >Sapporo -> JR Hokkaido Bus [Exp. Bus "Erimo"] 1 round trip / day(3.5 hr.) -> Samani
- >Sapporo -> Donan Bus [Exp. Bus "Pegasus"] 5 rounds trip / day(3hr. 45min.) -> Urakawa Terminal -> JR Hokkaido Bus(25min.) -> Samani
- >Sapporo -> JR Hokkaido Bus [Exp. Bus "Hiroo-Santa"] 1 round trip / day(3hr.) -> Mukobetsu -> JR Hokkaido Bus(40min.) -> Samani
- *A reservation is required for boarding the Express Bus "Erimo", "Hiroo-Santa" and "Pegasus"
Timetable for Sapporo
From New Chitose Airport and Tomakomai
- >New Chitose Airport -> JR Hokkaido Bus [Exp. Bus "Hidaka-Yushun"] 1 round trip / on weekends and holidays(3 hr.) -> Urakawa Town Office -> JR Hokkaido Bus(35min.) -> Samani
- >New Chitose Airport -> Donan Bus(30min.) -> Numanohata Sta. -> Bus Line from Tomakomai
- >New Chitose Airport -> Hokkaido Chuo Bus / Hokuto Kotsu Bus(40min.) -> Oyachi Terminal -> Exp. Bus from Sapporo
- >Tomakomai -> JR Hokkaido Bus [Exp. Bus "Tomamo"] 1 round trip /day (3hr. 20min.) -> Samani
- >Tomakomai -> Donan Bus/JR Hokkaido Bus (Transfer at Shizunai and/or Urakawa) 5 rounds trip / day(4hr. 30min. - 5hr. 30min.) -> Samani
- *1A reservation is required for boarding the Express Bus "Tomamo"
- *2The closest station to Tomakomai Port (East) is Hama-Atsuma station of JR Hidaka Line (1.7km).
Also, Hama-Atsuma bus stop that the bus route from Tomakomai is 2km from the port.
There is no public transportation between the port and station and bus stop.
Timetable for Chitose Airport
and Tomakomai (PDF/94KB)
From Obihiro
- >Obihiro -> Tokachi Bus(2hr. 20min.) -> Hiroo -> JR Hokkaido Bus 3 rounds trip / on weekdays, 2 rounds trip / on weekends and holidays(2hr.) -> Samani
- >Tokachi-Obihiro Airport -> Tokachi Bus(10min.) -> Kofuku -> Bus Line for Hiroo
Timetable fo Obihiro
By Car
- *Not including break time.
- >Sapporo-minami IC -> Hokkaido Expwy -> Tomakomai-higashi IC(JCT) -> Hidaka Expwy -> Hidaka-Atsuga IC -> Local Road -> Samani
(2hr. 50min.) - >New Chitose Airport -> Local Road -> Numanohata-higashi IC -> Hidaka Expwy -> Hidaka-Atsuga IC -> Local Road -> Samani
(2hr. 35min.) - >Tomakomai Port(West) -> Local Road -> Numanohata-higashi IC -> Hidaka Expwy -> Hidaka-Atsuga IC -> Local Road -> Samani
(2hr. 30min.) - >Tomakomai Port(East) -> Local Road -> Atsuma IC -> Hidaka Expwy -> Hidaka-Atsuga IC -> Local Road -> Samani
(2hr. 10min.) - >Tokachi-Obihiro Airport -> Local Road -> Taiki -> Local Road(Temma Road) -> Nishi-Horobetsu -> Local Road -> Samani
(1hr. 50min.) - >Obihiro-Kawanishi IC -> Obihiro-Hiroo Expwy -> Churui-Taiki IC -> Local Road -> Taiki -> Local Road(Temma Road) -> Nishi-Horobetsu -> Local Road -> Samani