

UNESCO Global Geopark Revalidation Mission: Part 1

On July 4-8, the Mt. Apoi Geopark underwent a UNESCO revalidation mission. UNESCO Global Geoparks are subject to an evaluation every four years to ensure the quality and functionality of the Geopark.

July 4: Day 1

On the first day of the revalidation, the two evaluators, Mr. Jing Zhixing and Dr. Han Jingfan, and Professor Nakada of the Japan Geopark Committee arrived in Samani Town.

The Opening Meeting was held upon arrival their arrival. Here the evaluators were welcomed by officers of the Mt. Apoi Geopark Promotion Council and local residents.

After the Opening Meeting, a welcome dinner was held at Hotel Apoi Sanso during which presentations on joint activities between Hotel Apoi Sanso and the Geopark, such as the stargazing lectures and the Hokkaido Mokka Butter Sandwiches.

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July 5: Day 2

From the second day, the evaluators were taken around the Geopark, tour-style, to introduce the activities of the Mt. Apoi Geopark. The evaluators started the day at the Samani Junior High School where they heard a presentation about the "Hometown Apoi Studies" educational program. Next, they observed a class where the students were preparing for an overnight research trip to Shikaoi Geopark in Hokkaido.

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The rest of the morning we included visits to Cape Enrumu, the Samani Folk Museum, and the Okada Cise. At Okada Cisse, after a welcome speech by Mr. Kikuchi, Vice President of the Ainu Association of Samani, we toured the interior of the cise and learned about the culture and history of the Ainu people. The lunch consisted of delicious dishes such as inakibi rice, grilled fish, a dish of mixed kabocha pumpkin, corn, Amur cork tree berries called Rataskep, a cold soup made from dried cod, seaweed, and long onion called Yamaw.

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After a delicious lunch, we went to Tojuin Temple. Here we learned about the cultural and historical importance of this temple, one of the three official temples of Ezo, which was built here partly because of its geographical location. We also enjoyed a traditional Japanese tea ceremony in the main hall.

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Next, we headed to the Yamanaka Ooma, the newly established Geopark site that highlights the former plate boundary that created the Hidaka mountains and Mt. Apoi. The evaluators heard from the three individuals who helped conduct a scientific survey of the area. The evaluators were very impressed by the importance of this site. After everyone completed a "plate jump" across the plate boundary, we headed to the Mt. Apoi Geopark Visitor Center to review the origins, nature, culture, and other exhibits of Mt. Apoi Geopark.

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At the end of the day, an exchange dinner was held with the evaluators, the Mt. Apoi Geopark Guide Association, and the Samani Indigenous Culture Preservation Society. During the dinner, an ancient Ainu dance performance, which was designated as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009, was performed, and many attendees participated in and enjoyed the final ring dance. A picture-story show, "The Story of a Grain of Sand," was also presented on the origins of the topography of Samani, and a skit by the Mt. Apoi Geopark Guide Association and the Mt. Apoi Fan Club showed the nature conservation activities of Mt. Apoi in a comedic manner.

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Held the Winter Geo-tour for the first time in 3 years!

Wednesday, March 16

Day 1. We kicked off the winter tour with a close-up look at Fuyushima kelp harvesting.

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Local fishermen explained how they harvest kelp and the tools they use, for example, a hook and twister rod.

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Kelp leaves go through a selection process and are cut to size.

The participants were pleased to learn about the kelp harvesting process and surprised to learn that the grade of kelp is determined by the color of the rope that is used to type up the kelp before shipping.

Next was a meal at Hotel Apoi Sanso made from local ingredients, and afterward, everyone participated in a star-gazing event led by the geopark guides.

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The geopark guide used a projector to explain the different constellations and where you can find them during winter. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and we were unable to view the stars outside. Many of the participants said that they would like to come back on a clear night and search for the constellations.

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Thursday, March 2. Today's main event was a winter trek up Mt. Apoi. Snow fell on Mt. Apoi overnight and was covered in a shining white blanket. Here we began the winter climb up Mt. Apoi.

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The hiking guide stopped every so often to talk about the formation of Mt. Apoi and the various plant life.

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The snow became deeper as we passed the 5th station. Our surroundings were completely white as we walked through the clouds. Due to the clouds, there wasn't any scenery to enjoy so we kept pushing forward.

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The snow became deeper along the ridge and it was softer due to the warmer temperatures, burying our feet and sapping our strength as we continued.

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Just as we were about to give up, the wind picked up and began to push the clouds away.

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The ridgeline of the Apoi mountain mass finally appeared. Seeing the peak of Mt. Yoshida floating among the clouds made us feel like we were in a mountain range over 3,000 meters high.

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The weather cleared for just that brief moment but it was a wondrous sight. The tour participants took a commemorative photo at the top of Mt. Apoi.

The tour was a great opportunity for others to experience the beauty of Mt. Apoi and the Mt. Apoi Geopark during winter.


Ezo Deer Accessory Making & Venison Cooking Event

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This event was held on Saturday, February 25, sponsored by the Samani Mt. Apoi Promotion Council and the Committee for Effective Use of Ezo Deer. The Ezo deer inhabit Hokkaido, but the overpopulation of deer often destroys crops making them a target for extermination.

During the first half of the event we made various accessories from deer antlers, then in the second half, we conducted a venison cooking class.

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The instructor for accessory making was Miyazaki Tooru from Sapporo.

Mr. Miyazaki talked a bit about Ezo deer and then gave some advice on how to make the accessories before the work began.

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The participants picked out the antlers that they liked then cut, shaved, and polished them into shape. Then the accessories were finished off with beads and decorative string.

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Some participants sanded down the antlers until they were completely white.

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After the accessory-making was finished, we moved to the community kitchen to learn how to cook venison.

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The participants learned how to cook while admiring the skillful techniques of the instructor Mr. Yamazaki.

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At the very end, we all sat down to taste the food we made.

The participants enjoyed themselves while learning more about Ezo deer.


Sharing the Beauty of Samani Town

Last month we had Ms. Kyoka Sonoda from Urakawa High School come to our office for an internship to learn more about tourism administration.

During her time with us, we asked her to write an introduction of "what you would like to promote to inbound tourists." Below is what she wrote.

Sharing the Beauty of Samani Town

The scenery of Samani Town changes with each season, and one of the fun things about Samani is searching for those changes.

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Samani Town is located in the Hidaka district of Hokkaido between the towns of Urakawa and Erimo. It is also known as the Mt. Apoi Geopark which was designated as a UNESCO Global Geopark. Samani has a prosperous fishing industry with an abundance of fresh seafood including salmon and sea whelk. Even though Samani is a small town with a population of around 4,000 people, the people here are kind and the town is packed with amazing sights.

※UNESCO Global Geoparks are designated areas that strive to conserve geological heritage of international value, understand the natural environment and regional culture brought about by the geological heritage, promote scientific research and education, revitalize the region in order to promote sustainable development and nature and humanity living together in harmony.

The one place that I love the most in Samani is the Parent and Child Rocks. I will introduce the fascinating sight of the Parent and Child Rocks throughout the seasons.

As the name states, the Parent and Child Rocks are a set of three differently sized rocks lined up in a row. There is an Ainu legend about how an Ainu chief who after being defeated in battle, went into the sea and became a large rock. The enemy chief shot an arrow at the rock and broke it into three pieces.

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In spring, the cherry blossoms begin to bloom and the snow begins to melt. The stark contrast between the rocks and the cherry blossoms is very stunning. As you can see from the photo, it leaves a striking impression when viewed from uphill.

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In summer, the Fureai Beach is a lively place and the people along the beach become part of the scenery. The Parent and Child Rocks float beautifully above the sparkling water. Summer is my favorite season here.

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The best sunsets occur during autumn. Many people visit this area to photograph the scenery. I highly recommend this view from the viewing platform on Mt. Kannon.

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During winter, the snow accumulates on the rocks and gives us the most striking view out of all the seasons. For anyone who loves photography, I hope you will visit during winter and take amazing photos of the scenery that can only be seen during this time of year.

As you can see, the seasonal faces of the Parent and Child Rocks is a major draw.

Located right next to the Fureai Beach and Mt. Kannon is an oyaki shop, a local favorite.

※Oyaki is a grilled dessert made with a flour-based batter and filled with sweet red bean paste.

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As shown in the photo, the warm oyaki is stuffed to bursting with sweet red bean paste surrounded by tender cake, giving you a perfectly delicious bite evey time. The owners of the oyaki shop are very kind and make each oyaki with care. One oyaki costs only 110 JPY so I highly recommend you give it a try!

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Eating oyaki while watching the sun set across the Parent and Child Rocks is the perfect end to any day.

Please come visit Samani Town and see for your self!


International Day of World's Indigenous People on Aug 9

The Samani Public Library created 3 short, animated stories based on local Ainu legends, include the story behind Mt. Apoi's name. The stories are narrated in Ainu and in Japanese, complete with English subtitles.

These animations were made with the intent to better understand Ainu culture and their way of life. These stories will also be used for educational purposes, such as part of the Samani Elementary School and Samani Junior High School "Hometown and Apoi Studies" curriculum and social education programs.

Mt. Apoi Geopark also plans to post the video QR codes on geopark signboards and will create a permanent exhibit in the Mt. Apoi Geopark Visitor Center.

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  • The Legend of Mt. Apoi

Why is the symbol of Samani, Mt. Apoi, named as such? What does the annual "Apoi Fire Festival" have to do with fire?

Ainu narration, English subtitles:

Japanese narration, English subtitles:

  • Tale of the Three Rocks

Parent and Child Rocks, Sobira Rock, and Fuyushima's Hole Rock, how are these three rocks connected?

Ainu narration, English subtitles:

Japanese narration, English subtitles:

  • The Legend of Hotafunpe

Hotafunpe, a whale-shaped hill in West Samani is actually...??

Ainu narration, English subtitles:

Japanese narration, English subtitles:

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