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  • Introducing the KANxKAN Series



Introducing the KANxKAN Series

The KANxKAN Series are activities for local people and are a collaborative effort by the Samani Folk Museum, Samani Public Library, and Mt. Apoi Geopark Visitor Center. It is a way to learn about the town's history and nature through a wide variety of activities such as crafts, outdoor walks, lectures, and more.

In 2024, there will be more outdoor events than ever before! Come and enjoy learning about the rich nature and history of the town. For more details, please check the "Announcements" section of the Samani Town home page.

KANxKAN Activities in May

Translucent Paper Crafts, hosted by the Samani Public Library

Date: Saturday, May 25 10:00-11:30

Location: Central Community Center

KANxKAN Activities Exhibit

A panel exhibit showcasing the KANxKAN activities will be open to the public from April 10-17 at the Samani Community Center Gallery 21.

kan kan exhibit.jpg

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